Can You Cook With Fish Oil

Typically, oil is used for cooking as a lubricant so that the food doesn’t stick to the surface. Not only that but it is also used to enhance the flavor of the dish and add more nutrients to it. With that said, is it possible to use fish oil as a cooking component rather than […]

The Benefits Of Feeding Fish Oil To Your Dog

Fish oil is an amazing supplement that helps you to maintain basic body functions but did you know that it worked for dogs too? It is just great just how many things fish oil can do but how exactly is it beneficial for your friendly canine friend? Fish oil contains essential oils that greatly benefit […]

Is Fish Oil Keto

There are many diets that have become increasingly popular over the years and keto is one of the most well-known diets across the world. It’s known as a diet that primarily focuses on using fats as the body’s main source of fuel so does that mean fish oil can be a part of the keto […]

Is Fish Oil Just Another Snake Oil

In the modern day, fish oil has been praised as one of the best supplements you can find in the store as if you were drinking holy water itself. It all sounds too good to be true but some people do swear by it. With that said, is fish oil just another snake oil meant […]

How Does Fish Oil Affect Kids With ADHD

Fish oil isn’t exactly a miracle cure for every ailment out there but it’s believed to help children with ADHD. ADHD is a major mental disorder that affects millions of children everywhere so how can supplementing fish oil make a difference in their lives? Fish oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids that are scientifically proven to […]

Does Fish Oil Affect Pregnancy

To a normal person, fish oil is a great supplement that improves the quality of life but is this true for a lady that is pregnant? We are told that pregnant women should cut down on fish due to the potential toxicity within them but does that include the nutritious fish oil gained from it […]