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Fish Oil

Is Fish Oil Keto

There are many diets that have become increasingly popular over the years and keto is one of the most well-known diets across the world. It’s known as a diet that primarily focuses on using fats as the body’s main source of fuel so does that mean fish oil can be a part of the keto diet?

Fish oil is indeed keto as it’s primarily made up of the fats of a fish. The Omega-3s found in fish oil are said to help those on a keto diet to better absorb nutrients and keep the body in check. Not only that, but it doesn’t take you out of ketosis either since it’s just fat.

People on keto diets have been familiar with fish oil for the longest time. They contain Omega-3s that help to strengthen the body while the oil keeps the body in ketosis which is the primary reason for taking the keto diet. With that said, what is the keto diet?

What Is The Keto Diet?

The keto diet, or ketogenic diet, is a diet that focuses on eating the least carbohydrates possible while keeping fats high. People on the keto diet typically only eat about 20gs of carbohydrates a day which eating fatty foods such as salmon and nuts. 

This means that people on the keto diet can’t produce enough glucose to fuel the body which forces it to use ketones, a fuel molecule produced by the liver using fats. You essentially switch from using carbohydrates to using fats as your main source of energy throughout the day. 

This is believed to help aid in weight loss as the body stores fat for a rainy day to keep the body insulated and alive during starvation. Since the body isn’t using carbohydrates, it’s important to keep the body satiated and healthy by choosing the right fats to eat.

It’s also why people on keto typically eat foods high in healthy fats and other contents such as fish, and eggs. Not only do they get protein, but they also gain access to fats that serve other purposes for the body, and this is where fish oil comes in…

How Fish Oil Helps In A Keto Diet 

Salmon is a known staple for keto diets for its amazing protein content and healthy fish oil that’s the primary focus of the diet itself. Not only that, but the benefits gained from the fatty fish helps to improve the heart, immune system, and brain. 

People on the keto diet already have relatively low power reserves in their bodies due to the lack of glucose. This is why it’s important to keep the body in top condition to prevent any further complications from occurring. 

The Omega-3s found in fish oil, mainly DHA and EPA, are scientifically proven to help the body by lowering blood pressure which improves overall heart health. Not only that but it’s also proven to improve basic cognitive functions as well as the body’s immune system. 

A study has found that people who take Omega-3s in their keto diet have positive effects on their insulin, inflammation, and triglyceride which reduces the likelihood of diabetes and provides the body with fat storage for future use. 

Since fish oil is purely fat, there is no concern about putting the body out of ketosis, the primary goal of going into a keto diet in the first place. The only concern here is towards those who are allergic to fish or dislike the taste of fish in general. 

Never fear though, there are other ways to take fish oil aside from getting it from fish directly. 

How To Implement Fish Oil In A Keto Diet

There are many ways to include fish oil in your keto diet, directly or indirectly. Here are the methods available for those looking into implementing fish oil into their keto diets.

From Fish Themselves

The easiest and most natural way to consume fish oil is by eating fish itself. Studies have shown that people who eat at least 3 fishes a week can benefit from obtaining the Omega-3s found in their oils. There just isn’t much of it in fish which makes hitting the optimal amount difficult 

The problem with eating fish is that many fish sources are contaminated with mercury which may be ingested into the body. Not only that, but not everyone is fond of eating fish which is why alternatives are available in the market. 


Much of the fish oil found in the market is sold in the form of capsules in your local pharmacy. This is by far the easiest method to consume fish oil and the dosage is already attuned to the average adult so no measuring is needed. 

It’s important to take note that though some capsules are made from plant-based gelatin, that doesn’t make fish oil vegan in any way. There is also a slight choking hazard for capsules but as long as you are careful, it’ll be fine. 


For those who don’t like the liquid version of fish oil, they are also available in a chewable gummy form. This is recommended for those who intend to feed fish oil to their kids as they will be more inclined to eat it in gummy form due to their liking for sweets. 

Again, the only issue here is that it might pose a small choking hazard but other than that it’s relatively safe for consumption as long as you follow the label instructions. 


The most common form of fish oil that isn’t directly from fish is through its extracted liquid form. Some manufacturers bottle them as they are and some include special formulas that add more to them while making them taste better.

Fish oil by itself is quite unpalatable and foul which may deter some from drinking it in its raw liquid form. It is also important that you use precise measurements as to not overdose on fish oil which may cause unwanted side effects.

It’s all up to your preference as to which form you would like to take fish oil in during your keto diet but they are all considerable choices. With that said, consult a doctor before deciding on a supplement as fish oil may inhabit the properties of other medication that may be in use. 

Things To Consider When Taking Fish Oil In A Keto Diet

Though fish oil is beneficial to the body, it isn’t recommended to just jump straight in without prior knowledge of the supplement. Here are some of the things to consider before you add fish oil to your keto diet. 

Intake Amount

It’s important to know the right amount of Omega-3s to take in a fish oil so that you aren’t either wasting it or overdosing on it. It’s also important to maintain a good Omega-3 to Omega-3 ratio to ensure that your body is getting all the benefits from them.

If you’re looking into gummies or capsules, find something that contains at least 1000mg of EPA and 500 mg of DHA to ensure that you’re taking the right amount of both fatty acids from fish oil. 

Side Effects

Even something as beneficial as fish oil has side effects that should be considered before taking it as a regular supplement. With that said, you don’t have to be afraid of getting them every time you take the supplement. 

The main side effects to look out for are heartburn, indigestion, bloating, bad breath, and diarrhea. 


Currently, there are guidelines or laws when it comes to fish oil supplements. Therefore, it’s important to not blindly trust the amount written on the label as it could be false advertising for the sake of profits. 

It isn’t uncommon to know that most supplements only have a quarter of what they advertise in the actual product which is misleading. Look out for third-party company reports to check for the actual amounts in the product. 

This way, you won’t take too little or too much of it without you knowing. 

Serving Size

It’s generally better if a supplement can give you the most with the least amount of servings possible. No one wants to chow down 4 capsules of fish oil just for the sake of it when you can do it with just one. 


Fish oil is a great addition to keto diets as it won’t affect the diet in any way while providing you with health benefits along the way. The Omega-3s in fish oil helps to balance out the Omega-6 from other foods which creates an imbalance of nutrients in the body. 

There are several ways to implement fish oil in your keto diet, all of which will be up to your preference. Just be aware of the side effects and other considerations before you jump into it to avoid any possible complications later on.

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