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Fish Oil

Does Fish Oil Affect Pregnancy

To a normal person, fish oil is a great supplement that improves the quality of life but is this true for a lady that is pregnant? We are told that pregnant women should cut down on fish due to the potential toxicity within them but does that include the nutritious fish oil gained from it as well?

Pregnant women can’t eat fish but fish oil is safe and contains important fatty acids that can improve the overall health of the baby. There are other ways to consume fish oil including their liquid form and tablet forms that are safe for a pregnant lady to consume.

Fish isn’t the only way to get the amazing benefits of fish oil and you can easily add supplements into your diet for those fatty acids. It is said that the nutrients in fish oil can help improve a baby’s health for their first six years but how does that work? 

How Does Fish Oil Help In A Pregnancy?

Fish oil is a natural source of Omega-3 fatty acids including EPA and DHA which are vital for brain development and a healthy heart. It can help to keep both the mother and the child healthy throughout the entire pregnancy and even beyond that if taken correctly.

Here are a few ways taking fish oil can help during pregnancy. 

A Healthy Mom

Mothers are one of the most loving people in the world and it all starts way before you are born during the start of pregnancy. Their bodies grow weaker in order to supply the growing baby with enough nutrients which is why it’s important to keep the mother in her best condition. 

Fish oil helps with the brain development and overall health of the immune system which is usually compromised during pregnancy. It’s important to remember that the mother is just as important during the entirety of the pregnancy so every little thing counts. 

Studies have shown that the fatty acids from fish oil help to decrease the chances of mothers going into postnatal depression which is very common for pregnant women. Not only that, but it can also improve the overall mood of the mother during and after the pregnancy. 

Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil also help to maintain a healthy heart by lowering blood pressure. Pregnant mothers are susceptible to a condition called “Preeclampsia” which causes a spike in blood pressure and protein remnants in their urine.

The immune system is also boosted by Omega-3 fatty acids which keep the mother healthy and decrease the risk of complications during the delivery period. This doesn’t just benefit the mother though as it carries over to the child as well. 

Breeding New Life

A fetus gains all of its nutrition solely through the mother’s body and everything carries over to them, including the nutrition gained from fish oil. This means that all those amazing benefits you can get from supplementing fish oil are also transferred over to the baby. 

Babies born from mothers who have sufficient DHA levels are known to have higher BMIs after delivery which signals a healthy body. Not only that, but they are also more likely to experience developments in visual and cognition areas earlier than those who don’t take fish oil. 

DHA is also believed to be able to lower the likelihood of babies gaining allergies during the first few years of the lives. Studies have found that the benefits of fish oil can last in a baby for up to six years into their infant lives which is pretty significant. 

There are also implications that DHA deficiency may lead to premature birth which decreases the likelihood of a child surviving their own birth. 

Why Shouldn’t Pregnant Women Get Fish Oil From Eating Fish?

The consensus is that pregnant women shouldn’t eat fish during their pregnancies but that isn’t entirely true. Pregnant women are allowed to have fish in their diets but they shouldn’t eat too much of it due to the risks of toxicity. 

Pollutants in the sea are absorbed into the fish that live in it and go directly into the system of a pregnant woman as they eat the fish. This means that whatever toxins such as mercury and lead will be transferred over to the child which causes problems during their birth. 

Many of the pollutants in the sea affect the nervous systems which are extremely delicate during the development period of a growing fetus. Any sort of damage will cause a problem to the child that might occur after many years. 

The body can produce DHA and EPA on its own through the consumption of fish but it is very inefficient. The risk of poisoning far outweighs the benefits gained from fish oil consumed through fish which is why it’s not recommended for pregnant women to eat too much fish. 

Since they can’t get fish oils directly through eating fish, are there any other ways they can enjoy the benefits without the risks?

How To Supplement Fish Oil During Pregnancy?

In the modern world, there are many ways to supplement your diet with fish oil without ever needing to touch fish at all. This includes taking them in a processed liquid form, tablets, and even chewable candies for those who don’t like taking pills every day. 

It’s important to ensure that the source of the fish oil is reputable and regulated to ensure the quality of fish oil. Not only that, but it also eliminates the potential of having pollutants in the fish oil as you consume them. 

A good guideline is to take about 200 to 300 mg of fish oil a day to enjoy the benefits without the risk of complications.

Beware Of Fish Liver Oil

Though fish oil, in general, is a healthy supplement, pregnant women should stay away from fish liver oil. A normal person may not have any problem with consuming fish liver oil but the immune system of a pregnant woman is already compromised. 

The liver is the main organ where toxins are detoxified which increases the likelihood of them being in the fish oil you consume. Not only that but an abundance of vitamin A is stored in the liver of the fish. Overdosing with vitamin A is a common problem associated with malformed fetal growth. 

Is Fish Oil Safe For A Pregnant Woman?

Yes, fish oil is completely safe for a pregnant woman to consume in any form as long as it’s regulated and not fish liver oil. Read the labels for consumption instructions to ensure that you are taking them the right way. 

Some fish oils have compounds that inhibit other medications that a woman might be on during pregnancy. It’s important that you consult a doctor before adding any supplements to your diet to ensure that you’re not doing more harm than good. 

Unless you are chugging bottles of fish oil a day, there shouldn’t be any problems with consuming fish oil while being pregnant. 

Is Fish Oil Needed During Pregnancy?

There is no evidence that fish oil is required to go through a healthy pregnancy but experts have come out to say that they recommend it either way. This is especially true for pregnant women since they are unable to get adequate levels of Omega-3 fatty acids from eating fish alone. 

Ideally, it’s best to take fish oil supplements 3 months before the start of your pregnancy to ensure that your body is already enjoying the benefits from the start. 


Fish oil is a very beneficial supplement that greatly benefits a pregnancy if taken correctly. Both the mother and the child can enjoy the benefits of taking fish oil which just kills two birds with one stone. 

Though that is true, it’s important to note that pregnant women shouldn’t rely on eating fish to get fish oil as the toxins in them might affect the fetus and the mother. There are many forms of fish oil in the market and they are generally safe for pregnant women saves for fish liver oil.

There is no saying that fish oil is a must during pregnancy but why skip out on something that can give you long-term benefits without any disadvantages?

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