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Does Engine Oil Cure Eczema: All You Need to Know

Does Engine Oil Cure Eczema

Does engine oil cure eczema? We hear that engine oil and eczema are closely related, but the real question is how? Engine oil is typically known to grease guns, chains, and paint wood

We have compiled a guide to check that if something that is meant to make metal parts slippery can cure a common disease like eczema. 

We can’t wait anymore to share our research with you so let’s go!

What is Eczema?

Does Engine Oil Cure Eczema
Does Engine Oil Cure Eczema

Also known as dermatitis, eczema is a common skin condition. Around 3.6 million people in the US are suffering from some sort of eczema. Now thas a huge number of people. 

Most of the eczema cases are children, but eczema can attack you at any age. It makes your skin itchy and red.

Types of Eczema

There are seven types of eczema, but in general, all show red and itchy skin. 

Type of EczemaWhat Part of Body it AttacksCausesSymptoms
Atopic DermatitisInner ElbowsFace FeetHandsKnee BackTouching cleaners and detergentsDegreasing substancesEngine oilWoolDustRough clothingDry skinScaly skinSkin rednessSwollen skinThickening of skin
Stasis DermatitisLower legsOverweightHigh BPKidney failureBlood clotsHeart conditionsinjuryVaricose veinSkin rednessItchingSoresThickened skinPain 
Contact DermatitisAny of the body part that contacts irritant Touching acid, cleaning agents, nickel, poison ivy, or chemicalsTouching degreasersTouching engine oilRed rashBumps on skinDry and scaly skinSwelling of skinItching 
NeurodermatitisBackNeckScalpLower legsWristInside or behind the earsUnknown.Intense itchRough skinThickening of skinOpen soresScarring 
Dyshidrotic EczemaHand Feet UnknownSevere itchingBlistersScaly skinDeep cracks in the skin
Nummular EczemaBackLegsHipsForearmBack of handsInsect biteTouching metal or chemicalDry skinCoin shaped patches on the skin
Seborrheic EczemaChestSides of noseEyebrowsBehind the earsUnknown but may be caused by yeast.Flaky or crusty skin

Treatment of Eczema

Treatment of eczema includes moisturizing the skin. Symptoms of most types of eczema include dry, flaky, and crusty skin. This condition won’t go away until you stop scratching and start moisturizing it. 

You can use creams, ointments, and oils to bring skin moisture back. Doctors prescribe ointments containing steroids, antihistamines to reduce itch, and antibiotics in the worst scenarios. 

Which Essential Oils Are Used to Treat Dermatitis?

peppermint oil

Eczema doesn’t have any cure, but these essential oils can help reduce redness and itching caused by eczema:

Is engine oil good for hair? Read our guide that tells necessary precautions and side effects

Will Engine Oil Cure Eczema?

Now let’s check if engine oil cures eczema. When you are suffering from eczema, you need to moisturize your skin more-and-more. Some traditional treatments suggest engine oil as an excellent moisturizer to cure eczema in babies and adults.

However, recent studies show that engine oil exposure can lead to severe skin diseases. These diseases include nail infects, hand infections, rashes on the skin, leucoderma, contact dermatitis (eczema), and skin cancer. 

No, engine oil does not cure eczema but triggers it. Constant and frequent exposure to engine oil can lead to severe and growing eczema.

Effects of Degreasers on Skin


First, let’s check what the relation between engine oil and degreasers is. To remove engine oil from a metal surface, people use degreasers.

Also, when engine oil falls onto the skin, it sticks to it. Removing that sticky-black liquid can be challenging. Machinery experts suggest using mild degreasers to get engine oil off your skin, but they overlook degreasers’ negative impacts.

When a degreaser contacts the skin, it thins it by removing the barrier skin barrier (outermost surface of the skin). As a result of thinning, any low-volatile liquid crawls quickly into the flesh.

Engine oil can penetrate the skin this way, resulting in contact dermatitis, skin infections, and other skin-related diseases.

How to Protect Yourself from Engine Oil Exposure?

People working as mechanics, cleaners, or factories have frequent exposure to engine oil’s poisonous nature. For them, it should be compulsory to wear gloves big enough that covers their hands adequately. 

Also, we recommend safety glasses to prevent engine oil from spilling into their eyes. If one is working somewhere where you have to use engine oil all day long, we recommend wearing PVC suits

Other options to protect yourself from engine oil toxicity include using a spray gun to paint with engine oil, keep your workrooms clean and oil-free, and frequently change gloves, safety glasses, and PVC suits. 

Barrier creams are available that acts as a barrier between skin and harmful liquids like engine oils. However, it is not an efficient method compared to protecting your skin with gloves or protective clothing.

FAQs – Does Engine Oil Cure Eczema?

We have compiled a few questions to help you understand if engine oil cures eczema.

Can Engine Oil Work as a Skin Moisturizer?

No, not only engine oil but other oils too don’t work as a moisturizer. They make up a seal onto your skin but won’t moisturize it. 

When talking about engine oil, several studies show engine oil to be toxic to humans and animals. They cause skin infections, hand dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, and skin cancer.

Which Oil Makes Eczema Worst?

Apart from engine oil, undiluted tea tree oil has the potential to trigger your eczema. You can dilute tea tree oils with carrier oils to reduce the skin’s risk of redness and inflammation. 

You can dilute one drop of tea tree oil by adding twelve drops of carrier oil.

How Long Will My Eczema Last If It is Not Treated?

Forever. Yes, eczema doesn’t cure itself. It will keep growing with age and keep triggering when dry or contacted to rough clothes, harsh soaps, cleaners and detergents, dampness, dust, and pets.

Make sure to keep your skin moisturized and apply ointments suggested by your physician regularly to decrease its symptoms.

You can help soothe your eczema by visiting a doctor or trying home remedies

How to Get Motor Oil Off My Clothes?

Follow the procedures below to get motor oil off your clothes. 

Method 1:

  1. Lay down the clothes.
  2. Apply a few drops of degreaser or detergent onto the oil-affected area.
  3. Rub it gently with a cloth (don’t rub it with fingers as degreasers have negative impacts on your skin)
  4. Wait for 7 minutes.
  5. Gently wash the clothes with lukewarm water and let them dry.

Method 2:

  1. Lay down the clothes.
  2. In a bowl, mix baking soda with water to form a thick paste.
  3. Apply the paste onto oil-affected areas.
  4. Wait till the paste dries.
  5. Brush off the dried baking soda.
  6. Wash the cloth with lukewarm water and dry it.

If the stain is fresh, follow the procedure below:

  1. Lay down the clothes.
  2. Apply baby powder to the fresh and wet engine oil stain.
  3. Wait for 10 minutes.
  4. Brush off the baby powder.
  5. Wash the cloth and dry.

Repeat this process 2-3 times to completely get rid of engine oil stain.

How to Remove Motor Oil Stain From Skin?

People usually use degreasers to get engine oil stains off their skin. It is a quick but dangerous method. We have brought you an alternative plan.

  1. In a bowl, mix baking soda and liquid hand soap to form a thick paste.
  2. Rub the paste onto oil-affected areas on your skin.
  3. Rinse wash with lukewarm water.
  4. Repeat this process until you get the entire engine oil off.
  5. Dry with a soft cloth and apply moisturizer.

It may not be as efficient as using degreasers but is entirely safe for use. 

That’s It

Next time, whenever someone asks you if engine oil cures eczema, you will have a satisfactory reply assisted with research to support your claim. Eczema is common but has no cure till now. If you want to reduce inflammation, engine oil is not a good option at all.

Take care of all risk factors and causes of eczema, and wear protective clothing next time you work with strong chemicals. Keep your skin moisturized to fight it.

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